для людей з порушеннями зору
Ліцей імені Олександра Цинкаловського
Володимирської міської ради

Англійська (Головач О.В.)

Дата: 12.04.2018 09:46
Кількість переглядів: 671

Головач О.В.

Англійська мова. 9 клас. Підготовка до ДПА 2018.

Завдання для писемного мовлення.

1. You have just seen a new film. Write an email to your friend about it. Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • what kind of film it is
  • its short description
  • whether you enjoyed watching it.

2. You want to make friends with somebody on the Internet. Write an email to your penfriend. Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • your appearance
  • your character
  • your interests.

3. You have decided to organize a surprise party for your sister. Write a letter to your friend inviting her/him to the party.Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • details about the party theme
  • place and time
  • directions on how to get there.

4. A new gym has been opened recently in your school. Write an email to your friend about it. Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • who can join the gym
  • types of training
  • things to wear.

5. Write a short article to your school magazine about your favorite actor/actress. Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • what he/she is famous for
  • his/her career
  • your personal feelings about him/her.

6. You have two tickets for a concert of your favourite singer. Write a message to your friend.Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • tell the time and the place of the concert
  • tell some facts about this singer
  • invite your friend to go with you.

7. You are going on a camping trip up in the mountains. Write an email to your friend about preparation for the trip. Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • how you will get there
  • suggest going together
  • ask him/her for advice about things to take.

8. Write about an interesting place you’ve visited last summer.Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • name of the place
  • its sights
  • your impressions.

9. Your school has its own rules. Write about them.Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • things you must do
  • things you mustn’t do
  • a school uniform.

10. Write about your favourite book. Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • the title and the author
  • short description of the plot
  • why it is worth reading.

11. Imagine you are a travel agent. Write an advert about any famous place in Ukraine.Use the plan and your own ideas:

  • its name and location
  • its sights
  • interesting things to do there.

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